
CASE STUDY: From an isolated solution to a fully integrated smart manufacturing solution – How EWM AG digitizes their production

Discovering savings potentials, ensuring cost-effective manufacture and documenting every weld are three requirements, which couldn’t be more different. It is precisely in quality assurance and quality management where documentation is increasingly gaining in importance. For welding companies, this entails making a record of the different welding parameters. In conventional work practices, the relevant values are written downRead more

(4) Quality Café: How can an AI application support and optimize the quality control process?

Once you deploy a model? How do you keep it alive? What is the most critical phase? Were is your bottleneck going from 1 to 100 models in a week? What is your number one goal when using predictive quality? What are your biggest challenges migrating to the cloud? What pricing models work best forRead more

(1) SUSTAINABILITY CAFÉ: Bringing it all together – How to connect new sustainability goals with existing production processes?

From the raw material to the final product – How to think sustainability throughout the whole value chain? More sustainable, less lucrative? Assessing the actual costs of a more sustainable production Which digital tools are helpful and where are the limits of digitalization? What are possible strategies to incorporate environmental goals into an enterprise’s long-termRead more


Platforms are gaining importance and are accelerating the development of the market. More specifically, platforms help each individual stakeholder to act simpler, faster, better and, above all, in a more targeted manner. All future scenarios of our time (sustainability, climate neutrality, individualization and optimization of value chains, track & trace, etc.) cannot be implemented withoutRead more

ICEBREAKER 1: The Digital Transformation Journey Begins

The digital transformation journey is a complex process which requires many steps towards a smart factory. But is there a royal road to do so? Is a complex plan needed or is the “learning by doing”-strategy the only right way? This Icebreaker aims to discuss different approaches on the way to a smart factory. IsRead more

Solution Study: Best Practice Siemens Energy – How AI-based shift scheduling increases employee satisfaction and efficiency at the same time

The term New Work is trending due to the high demand of an agile and flexible work environment. But what about working conditions in the blue collar sector? New Work has by no means reached everyone, as a look at the shop floors of the manufacturing industry shows. After all, new working environments are notRead more

SOLUTION STUDY: Equipping the Smart SME for the Smart Factory with industrial data operations

Much of the existing data at facilities is already going unused by subject matter experts (SMEs). In addition, this problem will compound as data generation continues to vastly outpace data consumption. If our aspiration is that SMEs use data to create tailored insights, breaking down data silos will not be enough. Integrated data must beRead more